We're more than engineers

Affirmation.dev is building the next generation of technical leadership by investing in talented candidates with diverse backgrounds.


1:1 career coaching from leading engineers at Meta, Google, Apple, and other top tech companies.


Hands-on training for the skills you need to land your dream role. Unblock your career by filling knowledge gaps.


Network with other top talent to meet your future coworkers, cofounders, and peers going through the same journey.


Personally tailored referrals from our large network of engineering leaders.

Let's Build Your Career, Together.

With over 150 hand-selected Affirmation.dev fellows and mentors, our community offers support and networking for any stage of career development. Featuring an active Slack channel, monthly events, hand-picked introductions, and more.

“Affirmation has been jet fuel for my career. New job, new peers, and a new path to grow my skills”

“I had no idea how much I was undervaluing myself. I feel in control of my career for the first time.”

Diane Jones

Happy fellows

“The community alone is worth the application. I would encourage anyone that qualifies to apply.”

Carl Correa

“I finally feel like an insider in the tech industry. The network is as powerful as it is diverse. We all bring a new perspective to the table.”

Leonie Vega

Common Questions

Learn more about the Affirmation.dev fellowship and associated programs. Don’t see your question answered in this section? Reach out at contact@affirmation.dev


The Fellowship is the best fit for engineers with 1-3 years of experience who are looking to level up and land frontend, backend, and full-stack roles at top-tier companies. At the moment, we’re only able to support people who are legally authorized to work in the United States.

Affirmation.dev is an entirely virtual community and fellowship experience. All events and interactions are facilitated via our custom built platform. 

No, we are not a bootcamp program. Training and programming skills are not the main focus of the fellowship program or broader community. We only admit experienced engineers that already have the skills to land jobs at top companies.

There is no set timeline for the fellowship program. However there are training programs that are configurable for 30, 60, and 90 day durations. Most fellows stay active after their training or referral programs finish, and find ongoing value from the community.

There is no cost for any part of the Affirmation.dev fellowship program and community. Affirmation.dev is funded by corporate sponsors, and only accepts a limited number of fellows per cohort. The Affirmation.dev mentors and administrative group may receive compensation for referrals if fellows are successfully placed.

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